Many individuals are effective performers but want to develop that extra edge over their competitors. Often mental skills tend to be the differing factor to success. If you would like some assistance in identifying what you can do to get that extra edge then book an appointment to discuss a plan.
Mental Health and Well-being
You may not be feeling yourself lately or you feel that life challenges have become quite overwhelming. We all will experience low mood states, anxious thoughts or stress at some stage in our lives. If you would like some strategies to help you feel happier, more present and connected with the important people in your life then organise a time to have a session to discuss strategies that can help you to achieve this.
Here are some examples of areas of focus for Individual Consultations:
Team Consultations
Teams comprise of many different personalities along with different levels of abilities which in itself is a major challenge for all coaches. If you are interested in developing strategies to help your team learn, unite or perform to their potential then organise a time to chat with Karen about ways she can assist your team.
Squads Consultations
At times coaches are responsible for a squad of athletes rather than a team, where the purpose is to grow each individual’s skills and knowledge of the sport or performance domain. This is often a difficult situation because they are not training for an event, rather they are training to develop their skills. If you would like some ideas on how to create an effective and growth orientated high performance environment contact Karen to discuss a plan.
Here are some examples of areas of focus for a Team or Squad:
Customised Presentations
You may be interested in Karen presenting on a particular topic that is relevant to your team or group. Karen is skilled in customising presentations to suit what it is that you are wanting to educate your team or group about through practical workshops that are designed to develop skills in the area of interest.
Here are some examples of Customised Presentations:
The office will be closed on
Friday the 20th of December and will reopen
Wednesday the 29th of January 2025.
I hope you have an amazing holiday
and a Happy New Year!